المؤتمر الأول للتميز في التمريض ٢٠٢٤ م تحت شعار التميز التمريضي لقيادة الرعاية الصحية بالجبيل الصناعية.


Mr. Qasem Abdullah Alnasr BSN ,MSN(Oncology)


Short Biography

Qasem Alnasr is currently working as Education Coordinator for the Oncology and Transplant Nursing at King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Center. He is also, a Chairman of the Oncology Scientific Committee and a member of the Nursing Professional Council at SCFHS. Mr. Alnasr obtained his Master of Oncology Nursing Degree on 2014 from the University of Adelaide in Australia. Mr. Alnasr has about 19 years of oncology nursing and nursing education experience. Mr. Alnasr is very passionate about research and Evidence Based Practice where he completed and published different studies. Mr. Alnasr is a certified TOT trainer and he provided more than twentee TOT workshops for healthcare providers from the multidisciplinary team members. As Member of the Saudi Nursing Professional Council, Mr. Alnasr participated in writing and publishing the first Saudi Nursing & Midwifery Scope of Practice” and the “first National Competency Framework for Bachelor of Nursing Programs. Mr. Alnasr Organized multiple nursing related courses, workshops, conferences and has a wealth experience in Clinical Nursing Education, Learning and Assessment as well as Clinical Curriculum Development

Evidence-Based Practice: A model to follow & skills to build


Rationale: Evidence-Based Practice is crucial to nurses as it promotes safe, effective and highquality patient care compared to traditional practice. Nurses who possess the EBP skills can make well-informed decisions in the situation on hands. In literature, there are ample evidence that medical errors were tremendously minimized when healthcare sectors implement and apply evidence-based care. Learning Objectives: By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to: 1. Apply universal Evidence-Based Practice step process to problem-solving and clinical decision-making utilizing the provided tools. 2. Develop an EBP research problem question utilizing PICO process. 3. Use the keywords of the research question in searching different databases. 4. Judge the quality of the different study types and retrieved articles. 5. Describe how evidence drives translation decision. Workshop details: Using Nursing Evidence-Based Practice model, participants will learn the entire EBP process from assessing the problem to disseminating the results. The workshop will provide participants with the needed tools, knowledge, and skills to identify research problems based on area of practice [education, managerial or clinical]. In addition, participants will learn the steps of formulating an EBP question, selecting the appropriate keywords and using the different databases. During the workshop, participants will learn the John Hopkin’s of Evidence Level and quality guide to judge the retrieved articles. The workshop involves both didactic and experiential interactive teaching methods. By the end of the workshop, Participants will propose an EBP project on a problem of their choosing. Workshop Interactivity: Workshop will be interactive with work-experience examples, Small and large group discussion, and group exercises.

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