المؤتمر الأول للتميز في التمريض ٢٠٢٤ م تحت شعار التميز التمريضي لقيادة الرعاية الصحية بالجبيل الصناعية.


Ms. Maha Aljuaid BSN, MSN


Short Biography

Director of Clinical Nursing Emergency Department, Haemodialysis and Nursing Coordinators Program at King Abdulaziz Medical City in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Ms. Aljuaid is a Neuro Critical Care Nurse Specialist and the head of nursing chapter at the Saudi Stroke Society. A program director for Adult Critical Care Post Graduate Nursing Diploma at SCFHS. She obtained her education in Saudi Arabia and United states. Ms. Aljuaid is member of several national committees for practice guidelines, and a speaker at several local, regional, and international conferences. Ms. Aljuaid is an Executive Board Member at the Global Sepsis Alliance, a co-chair of GSA-Advance for junior faculty & trainee and a member of World Sepsis Day Committee. Ms. Aljuaid is known regionally and globally for her effort in raising sepsis awareness among healthcare professionals and public personnel. Her Research interest is in improving sepsis care, enhancing sedation practice and delirium management in intensive care units as well as improve stroke system of care. She obtained several posters awards and published in many distinguished journals. Ms. Aljuaid has recently awarded The Golden Woman Award for the most Inspiring Woman in Healthcare.

How Artificial Intelligence is Changing the Future of Clinical Practice, Research and Education


Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies are increasingly being utilized across various fields including healthcare, transportation, and security. By leveraging on AI algorithms and machine learning, medical institutions and clinical research organizations can transform the execution of clinical research and trials. AI has reformed the diagnostic and therapeutic precision and competence in various fields of medicine. AI Technologies have the power to revolutionize and change healthcare industries as AI application improves healthcare service delivery and quality by increasing workflow efficiency. AI has the potential to reform medical care; it enhances the efficiency of healthcare delivery. AI techniques can interpret comprehensive data in a short period of time efficiently and accurately thereby enhancing patient care. There is increasing evidence that AI will be incorporated in routine clinical care in the near future. Despite that AI is one of the most rapidly developing fields in the technologies, yet there is concern regarding their potential applications in medical education. This presentation will aim to shed light on AI applications on health practice, research, and education.

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