المؤتمر الأول للتميز في التمريض ٢٠٢٤ م تحت شعار التميز التمريضي لقيادة الرعاية الصحية بالجبيل الصناعية.


Dr. Abdullah Y A M A Hasan BSN, GDip (ANP), MSN, PhD.


Short Biography

Dr. Hasan is an assistant professor at the College of Nursing in Kuwait. His educational background includes a Master of Science in Nursing and PhD from Flinders University - South Australia, with a specialization in Community Health Nursing. He possesses extensive experience in nursing education, health education, health promotion, and nursing leadership. In 2022 Dr Hasan was appointed the national representative for nurses in Kuwait. As a researcher, Dr. Hasan is primarily interested in promoting the health of children and young people in schools and communities. Recently, Dr Hasan was selected to join the International Council of Nurses (ICN) Scientific Committee to represent the Eastern Mediterranean Region. The primary goal of the ICN Scientific Committee is to guide the ICN Congress in Helsinki 2025 towards a high-quality, innovative, and globally relevant scientific program.

RCT Protocol: A school nurse-led, assessor-blinded, randomised, 12-Month clinical trial to evaluate the effectiveness of an educational program in the prevention of type 2 diabetes among children and adolescents with elevated HbA1c in Kuwait


Background: Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) is becoming an increasingly common and significant health problem in children and adolescents worldwide. T2DM is responsible for almost 95% of diabetes cases. Generally, T2DM is diagnosed during adulthood, but recently the increasing incidence of childhood is related to the global rise in the prevalence of overweight and obesity. In Kuwait, 50% of the diagnosed children have a positive family history of T2DM. According to Kuwait National Nutrition Surveillance System > 50% of Kuwaiti adolescents aged 10 to 19 were considered overweight or obese based. With, 46.8% girls and 55.8% boys as overweight or obese in Kuwaiti children and adolescents. Research Objectives: 1. To evaluate the effectiveness of school nurse-led educational program in preventing T2DM among adolescents 2. To identify prediabetes and T2DM among adolescents 3. To compare outcomes measurements (HbA1c, FBG, BP, BMI, waist circumference) between genders Methods: This Clinical trial will test whether the Let’s Go “5-2-1-0” program as an intervention for the prevention of T2DM among adolescent would have a greater impact on HbA1c level and other outcomes than the control group. This Clinical trial focuses on schools as the study setting and uses school nurses to deliver the educational program. Conclusion: Schools play a vital role to deliver the early educational intervention, at this is where children and adolescents can be reached. However, no current clinical trial specifically identified children and adolescents at high risk of T2DM by using the American Diabetes Association's screening guidelines and testing the Let’s Go “5-2-1-0” program as an intervention for the prevention of T2DM.

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