المؤتمر الأول للتميز في التمريض ٢٠٢٤ م تحت شعار التميز التمريضي لقيادة الرعاية الصحية بالجبيل الصناعية.


Mr. Fhaid Al Enezi


Short Biography

Mr. Fhaid Alenezi is Currently working in RCHSP as an ICU Unit Supervisor and Healthcare Quality Consultant at the American Institute for Healthcare Management, Saudi Arabia and has more than 18 years of Experience in both clinical and nursing managerial roles. During his career, he worked as nursing managerial roles. Such as Director of nursing Responsible for the leadership and strategic direction of nursing and nursing education at the health care institution. Planned, organized, directed, evaluated, and controlled the goals and programs of the Nursing Service to coordinate responsibilities and major activities and to develop and implement the organization plan of nursing care. He received Master of Intensive Care Nursing the University of Sydney, Sydney

Clinical Governance in context


Background: Ensuring quality care and patient safety is paramount. To achieve this vital goal, clinical governance serves as a framework integrating accountability, risk management, and continuous improvement into healthcare systems. We will address the multidimensional nature of clinical governance and provide insights into: Learning objectives: - Describe the fundamental elements of clinical governance and the ways in which they are interconnected. - Analyze how clinical audits affect finding gaps, putting changes into place, and tracking quality progress. - Examine methods for involving the public and patients as partners in the provision of high-quality healthcare. - Determine whether leadership styles support a quality-oriented culture and a shared accountability for patient safety. Methods: - To demonstrate the practical implementation of clinical governance principles, this presentation integrates evidence-based insights and interactive discussion/conversation. Relevance: - By acquiring practical skills and relevant strategies, healthcare practitioners can foster clinical excellence within their practice environments. A deeper dedication to ongoing quality improvement and better patient outcomes are directly supported by this presentation.

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