المؤتمر الأول للتميز في التمريض ٢٠٢٤ م تحت شعار التميز التمريضي لقيادة الرعاية الصحية بالجبيل الصناعية.


Mr. Hussain Alaman RN, BSN,


Short Biography

Mr. Hussain Alaman is Registered Nurse Working at RCHSP in the Emergency department, Having more than 5 years of Work Experience from Different areas in Nursing Field Successfully Graduated from King Saud University, 2018, His current interests focus on Nursing Research, Leadership and Management in Nursing, Quality Improvement and Health services. He worked as an Operating Room nurse specialized in Neurosurgery at King Khalid University Hospital through 2019 to 2022. Participates as In Quality Improvement Projects and actively Participation in the readiness for Accreditation programme Participated in multiple accreditation projects with the hospitals worked at as a trainer and evaluator. Moreover, he is interested in innovative approaches in knowledge translation and education. Recently participated an active member in Journal article, Emergency Department violence: A Growing challenges for health care worker in Saudi Arabia

Workplace violence against Health care provide in ER department In KSA


Background Workplace violence in healthcare settings, particularly in emergency departments (EDs), is a critical issue affecting healthcare providers and the quality of patient care. This study's primary aim was to determine the prevalence and types of workplace violence experienced by healthcare workers in Saudi Arabian EDs, assess the physical and psychological consequences of such violence, and explore the factors contributing to its occurrence. Methods Employing a descriptive, cross-sectional research design, the study was conducted in two phases at three hospitals in the Eastern Region of Saudi Arabia. It targeted ED healthcare workers, including physicians, nurses, and support staff. Data were collected via a questionnaire disseminated through social media, addressing incidents of violence, their nature, and subsequent responses. Results The findings indicate a significant incidence of workplace violence in EDs, predominantly involving verbal abuse and physical aggression, mostly initiated by patients' companions. The majority of these incidents occurred prior to patient-physician interaction, with nurses frequently being the primary victims. Although incidents were more often formally reported than informally, a substantial number remained unreported. There was no significant correlation between the experienced violence and variables like working hours or hospital governance. Conclusion The research highlights the urgent need for effective policies and strategies to mitigate workplace violence in healthcare settings in Saudi Arabia. It emphasizes the necessity of implementing comprehensive violence prevention and intervention programs to ensure a safer working environment for healthcare professionals.

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